Shenlong Dragonball

A tattoo design on a human's body that features an oriental dragon in the colorful and exaggerated manner typical of Japanese animation. The visually striking creature is executing a powerful rise upward, its body spiraling up as if dispelling a wish, with numerous luminous orbs surrounding it, akin to a well-known manga series. The various hues, forms, and degrees of luminosity cause the inked dyes to buzz with life against the skin canvas.

A tattoo design on a human's body that features an oriental dragon in the colorful and exaggerated manner typical of Japanese animation. The visually striking creature is executing a powerful rise upward, its body spiraling up as if dispelling a wish, with numerous luminous orbs surrounding it, akin to a well-known manga series. The various hues, forms, and degrees of luminosity cause the inked dyes to buzz with life against the skin canvas.

Shenlong Dragonball

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