create a long brown haired girl with a hazel eyes. her face is „V” and she looks japanese. she is wearing an umiform and shes at school. its apocalypse zombie

Design a character who is a Japanese school girl with long, brown hair and hazel eyes. Her facial structure mirrors that of a 'V' shape. She is adorned in a school uniform amidst the chaotic backdrop of a zombie apocalypse. As per the requested aesthetics, the overall style of the scene is reminiscent of traditional Manga.

Design a character who is a Japanese school girl with long, brown hair and hazel eyes. Her facial structure mirrors that of a 'V' shape. She is adorned in a school uniform amidst the chaotic backdrop of a zombie apocalypse. As per the requested aesthetics, the overall style of the scene is reminiscent of traditional Manga.

create a long brown haired girl with a hazel eyes. her face is „V” and she looks japanese. she is wearing an umiform and shes at school. its apocalypse zombie

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